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FMP (Week 14) - Easter

I haven't done a great deal this week as it's been the main week of the Easter holidays and I've been spending time with family and friends. Along with this I also took some screenshots of my current level to send to ubisoft to apply for their intern position, so fingers crossed on that!

One of my friends kindly showed me a material function to put snow on top of a material based on height, which is actually surprisingly useful, and I've put it to use on some rocks in the scene which I think works quite well and allows me to use the same mesh and texture over and over without it being terribly obvious!

I also created a bench which is not yet textured, so I slapped some tileables on it along with the material function to create this awful thing, but at least there's benches now!

I also SLIGHTLY improved the waterfall, but I still need to tackle particles to make a crashing effect which may take some time..

And remember the shrine that I made at the start of FMP? Well I decided I needed a new one, but it's going to be a gong thing time! I started off by modifying my existing shrine but eventually decided to just scrap the entire thing and make a new one because why not!

Next week I aim to spend finishing this gong and texturing the things that I didn't get round to this week.


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