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Yr3 Week 10 & 11: Style Matrix Tweaks

The final two weeks I spent making changes to my projects and improving things where ever I thought necessary. The main changes I made in this time were probably to my character project, as this one was not completely finished yet and I still needed to rig and finish texturing the character.

Rigging the character was relatively simple as it didn't contain any difficult objects such as skirts. The only issue I faced when rigging was the upper arm and clavicle, as I wanted to do a pose which involved lifting the arm quite high, which is a little difficult to rig, but I got there eventually after lots of tweaking and weighting.

After I had finished rigging I began experimenting in substance painter, where I added more material properties and textures to my previous hand painted design using material IDs to blend the two together, quite a useful and effective technique I found.

Above shows a quick image of the tweaked texture in comparison to the previous one.

Once I had finished tweaking my character, I decided to make changes to my shop front as recommended by my tutors in the two-weekly reviews.

It had been suggested to me that I should add billboards to the windows; as there was nothing around the building for the windows to reflect they felt a bit empty, so I added a simple billboard of silhouettes sitting down and drinking/eating behind the windows to give it more of a realistic effect.

Finally I tweaked the ground and some of the assets such as the plant to be more correctly scaled and appropriate to the scene.

For my WoW Diorama, there were not a huge deal of changes which I wanted to make.

The most noticeable change is the edges of the ground, which I smoothed out more as before they were very sharp and jagged. I re-built the scene in EU4 and improved my lighting and fixed vertex normals on my tree to make the scene look more finalised and more easily editable in the future, as before it was all one object and very static.

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